1. The entrepreneur is not born
2. Only requires a good idea and good luck for a company
3. Entrepreneurs seeking to take risks
4. Entrepreneurs need a sense of power and control to other
5. It is the only way to be independent
6. Entrepreneurs work more than the administrators
7. Entrepreneurs experience more stress and suffer the consequences
8. Starting a business is risky, can fail
9. Money makes the success
Create a company is only for young energetic
11. Entrepreneurs only seek money
12. A good manager is a good entrepreneur
1. The reasons are more important than personality.
2. Good ideas abound, no luck. Preparation is the path to success.
3. Entrepreneurs plan to reduce risk, but may face uncertainty. Calculated, not divine
4. Entrepreneurs share or learn to share
100% of nothing = nothing
Entrepreneurs create teams
5. We must satisfy the members, employees and customers
6. Entrepreneurs work more often, sometimes less. But they are more satisfied. 7. The level of stress is more related to the type of work
8. Entrepreneurs learn from their mistakes, seek success
9. Money alone does nothing
There are entrepreneurs of all ages and create a business requires a lot of energy
11. Los emprendedores persiguen un sueño. The return on investment is only part of the dream.
12. Success does not depend on other features. Knowing the market is indispensable.
An event is all verifiable by sensory perception. Despite the largely irrelevant at first glance may seem to deepen the correct definition of the term, the fact is that it is vital for scientific work to achieve a more accurate definition as possible.
The word refers to any manifestation that is present on the awareness of a subject and appears as an object of perception.
Phenomenon is also a remarkable and surprising thing, a monstrous animal or person and a person first in line (for example, "Diego Maradona is a phenomenon"). In this way, the concept is also a colloquial word which means very good, excellent or great.
The problems are pitfalls, and confusing or difficult questions (questions problematic) not easy to answer, which need to be solved, and that in most cases causing concern in those who suffer.
Usually the problems are evident by their expressions or external events, by the way he affects a community. One problem relates to a situation which denotes inconvenience, dissatisfaction, or negative.
What is meant by making a problem? Part of the following criteria: formulating a problem is to characterize, define, frame theory, suggest proposed solutions to be demonstrated, provide information about sources and methods for collecting and processing such information. Characterization or definition of the problem give us a way in which to more clearly indicate the elements and denotes that it is essential.
The formulation of the problem is the structuring of the investigation, so that one component is a part of everything and that everything is logical to have a body of research. It must therefore synthesize planned to investigate the issue, usually through a question.
Then given a problem situation in particular, the aim is to establish how it can be characterized with the aim of trying to model how it can be defined in terms of how problems and found the methodology of the specific resolution, we get the model .
When the problems are solved or mathematical games, one has the possibility of acquiring permanent methods of reasoning, using explicit strategies for modeling such situations.
This allows resolution mechanisms and reuse them in new issues.
Therefore, it is important to have assessed a large number of strategies or generate knowledge, such that knowing and understanding the disciplines involved, the intent is to transfer power for the purpose of finding a solution to the problem.
1. What kind of information we obtain from Figure 1?
R / in Figure 1 we can obtain information that tells us about the world population growth over the years
2. How many variables are handled in Figure 1?
R / 1 in figure 3 are handled variables: millions of people, years and continents
3. What is the thickness of each bar associated with a region?
R / The thickness of each bar represents the increase in population for the years and continents
4. The global population shift from 250 million at the beginning of our era 500 million in 1650. What was the absolute increase of population in the years after 1400, what was the average annual increase?
R / the absolute increase of population in the years after 1400 was 250 million
The average annual increase was 0.17 million
5. From 1650 to 1850 the global population shift from 500 to 1100 million. What was the absolute increase of population in 200 years? What was the average annual increase?
R / The absolute increase of population in 200 years was 600 million
The average annual increase was 3 million
6. What was the average annual increase in population from 1850 to 1900?
R / The average annual increase in population from 1850 to 1900 was 10 million.
7. How the world's population increase from 1900 to 1950? What was the average annual increase?
R / the global population growth from 1900 to 1950 was 900 million.
The average annual increase was 18 million
8. The population explosion took place from 1950. In 40 years (from 1950 to 1990) the world's population became more than double. What was the population increase? What was the average annual increase?
R / population increase was 3,000 million.
The average annual increase was 75 million.
9. In what time interval was the highest average annual growth of world population between 1950 and 1970 or 1970?
R / was the highest average annual growth of world population between 1970 and 1990
10. What region contributes more to the total number of inhabitants of the world population?
R / region that provides much of the total population of the world's population is South Asia
11. What region is smaller contribution to the total world population?
R / the region that contributes little to the total population of Oceania is the world's population.
12. What are the forecasts of the global population, according to the chart for the year 2010? What would be the average annual increase in population from 2000 to 2010?
R / forecasts as the world population chart for 2010 are 7600 million people.
13. What are the predictions according to the chart for the year 2030? And by 2050? What will the population increase in that time? What is the average annual increase?
R / graphic forecasts as the year 2030 were 9700 million and for 2050 of 11,200 million people.
The population increase in this interval is 1500 million people
The average annual increase will be 75 million
14. If you implement the measures of the action plan of the conference arrived in Cairo in 2000 with a population of approximately 7270 million. What was the average annual increase from 1990 to 2000, if these projections were met? Explain your conclusions.
R / the average annual increase from 1990 to 2000 were 177 million
15. What do you think are the reasons for the increase in world population will be in a very high percentage (94%) to the third world?
R / I think the reasons are illiteracy and lack of training in terms of planning in the Third World.
16. According to the UN What is the biggest problem in implementing the action plan of the Cairo conference in countries with higher population growth?
R / Cairo conference as the biggest problem is illiteracy in much of the population in countries with higher population growth.
17. Given the graph of illiteracy in Colombia and the chances of reproduction of each age group, on what age group should be immediately implemented a literacy strategy before implementing the plan of the conference? Argues your answer.
R / on the ages of 15-39 years because it is the group most likely to procreate and that if not read know no ways to not procreate excessively.
18. Posited a strategy for literacy and awareness for family planning in Colombia between 15 and 39 years of age.
What percentage of the illiterate population in Colombia in 1995 would be implemented this strategy?
R / give free training to illiterate youth classes and then training in family planning by giving the right tools for their development.
Should be applied on 34% of the illiterate population in 1995.
Step 1:
A project is a targeted initiative, which aims to solve a problem, fill a need, overcome a state of uncertainty or achieve a desired goal.
The first thing we must ask ourselves is: what is our goal. That is, what we do in this work. The projects are organized on the basis of certain products that are to come after a process of elaboration. But these products need not be "concrete" if entiendepor a specific physical object, but always an achievement that synthesizes the resolution, which may also teach or communicate ideas or concepts.
They can be developed to be completed in the short, medium or long term.
Another very important thing to consider is to whom I'm doing the project, since the duration, presentation, and even the specific goals of or depend on the recipients.
Step 2:
Structuring the project.
From the design objectives and contents that develop in the project, we will give you a structure to it that orders, give coherence and concision.
This structure might be:
A. Rationale for choice of project.
It is the explicitness of the claim or situation that justifies the implementation of the project, and the situation they want to reach through its implementation. (Target).
B. Objectives
Objectives detail (expectations of success), specific objectives (Amendments "practices"). For example, an expectation of success would be "Let the reader understand the different stages of sunflower planted," and a specific objective might be "What the learner achieves the seeds in place correctly according to the methodology explained."
C. Population that is guiding the project.
Here are the recipients and their characteristics.
D. Contents
The contents must be described both globally and in specific form. To give an example, a general would plant sunflowers, "and within it a specific content could be" Preparation of the seed. " All must be listed in order.
E. Strategies and activities.
Necessary for the project.
F. Persons responsible for implementation.
It is also worth mentioning the roles of each person that will take place.
G. Links with other areas, addresses, institutions.
If there were other people, places, etc. that have some connection with the project, can be added here.
H. Resource requirements
Personnel and material.
I. Timeline
This point refers to the distribution of activities over time. While the project may not require an exhaustive description in days or hours, is good considering the total time it takes the same patterns and different stages to perform.
Step 3:
One of the project, should evaluate the outcome of the various times of the methodology implemented and, above all, if it successfully to the objectives.
Also, depending on the type of project undertaken, it shall be decided at this stage whether to evaluate only the product, or if there is also a valuable analysis of the action, or the people who carried it out. That is, if everyone participated equally, and how they affected the participation of everyone in the success or failure of the project.
This detailed report should be properly drafted and attached to the project, as one more item. One way to accomplish this could be the following list of expectations and objectives worked in the previous step, and answered one by one in a sentence, expressing whether met or not. Another way is to direct a narrative that has the experience and describe how far these objectives were met.
The company is the economic-social unit, with aims of profit, in which the capital, the work and the direction are coordinated to make a socially useful production, in agreement with the exigencies of the communal property. The elements necessary to form a company are: material capital, work and resources. In general, it is understood by company to the social organism integrated by human, technical and material elements whose natural objective and main it is the obtaining of utilities or, the benefit of services to the community, coordinated by an administrator who makes decisions in opportune form for the attainment from the objectives for which they were created. In order to fulfill this objective the company it combines nature and capital. In Right it is a created legal organization with profit spirit and is subject to the mercantile Right. In Economy, the company is the basic economic unit ordered to satisfy the necessities with the market by means of the use of material and human resources. One is in charge, therefore, of the organization of the factors of production, capital and work.
Classification of the companies
Exists numerous differences between companies and others. Nevertheless, according to what aspect we pay attention, we can classify them of several forms. These companies, in addition count on dissimilar functions, civil employees and aspects, next the types of companies appear according to their scopes.
According to the activity or turn the companies can be classified, in agreement with the activity that they develop, in:
Industrialists. The fundamental activity of this type of companies is the production of goods by means of the transformation of the matter or extraction of raw materials. The industries, as well, are classified in: Extractive. When they are dedicated to the operation of natural resources, or renewable or nonrenewable. Examples of this type of companies are the fisheries, carpenters, miners, oil, etc. Manufacturing: They are companies that transform the raw material into finished products, and can be: Of final consumption. They produce goods that satisfy with direct way the necessities of the consumer. For example: articles to dress, electrical foods, apparatuses, etc. Of production. These satisfy to those with final consumption. Example: light machinery, chemical agents, etc. Commercial. They are intermediary between consuming producer and; its fundamental function is the purchase/finished product sale. They can be classified in: Wholesalers: They sell in broad strokes on great scale or. Retailers (lovers of detail): They sell to the retail. Commission agents: They sell of which he is not his, they give consigment. Service. They are those that offer service to the community which they are classified as well in: Transport Tourism financial Institutions Services public (energy, water, communications) private Services (consultant's office, sales, publicity, accountant, administrative) Education Finances Aesthetic Salubrity According to the legal form Taking care of the titularidad of the company and the legal responsibility of its proprietors. We can distinguish: Individual companies: if single it belongs to a person. This can as opposed to respond third with all its goods, that is to say, with limitless responsibility, or only until the amount of the contribution for its constitution, in the case of the individual companies of limited responsibility or EIRL. Is the form simplest to establish a business and usually they are small companies or of familiar character. Societarias companies or societies: constituted by several people. Within this classification they are: the joint-stock company, the collective society, the limited partnership and the limited liability company the cooperatives or other organizations of social economy. According to its dimension there is no unamimity between the economists at the time of establishing what is a great or small company, since a unique criterion does not exist to measure the size of the company. The main indicators are: the volume of sales, the equity capital, number of workers, benefits, etc. The most used usually it is according to the n
OPERATION OF the TIC IN the CLASSROOM Average or resources that can cause the learning and development of the people. The type of developed learning will depend on the sense and epistemologic assumptions on that the education model is based. The incorporation of the Technologies of Information and communication (TIC) to the Educational process of the children and children with Discapacidad or Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE), facilitates its Educative integration to us and favors its scholastic inclusion, improving its conditions of work repaying to one better quality of life. A incomunicada person, badly connected to the world by a physical, sensorial or organic alteration with a simple signal is sufficient to start up infinity of abilities like drawing, connecting, to communicate, to record, to know letters, numbers, cities, to read texts. Blog, or in Spanish also a binnacle, is a Web site periodically updated that chronological compiles texts or articles of one or several authors, appearing the first most recent one, where the author always conserves the freedom to leave published what creates pertinent. The name binnacle is based on the ship's logs. Notebooks of trip that were used in the boats to relate the development of the trip and that kept in the binnacle. Although the name has in the last become popular years as a result of its use in different scopes, the work notebook or binnacle has been used from always. This English term blog or weblog comes from the words Web and log (“log” in English = daily). The term binnacle, in reference to the old ship's logs of the boats, is used preferredly when the author writes on his life own as if it was a newspaper, but published in the Web (in line). A series of common elements to all blogs exists. Commentaries By means of a form are allowed, to other users of the Web, to add commentaries to each entrance, being able to generate a debate around their contents, in addition to any other information. I connect a particularitity that differentiates to weblogs of the sites of the news is that the annotations usually include manifold I connect to other pages Web (not necessarily weblogs) like references or to extend the added information. And, in addition, the presence of (among others): A permanent connection (permalinks) in each annotation, so that anyone can mention it. A file of the previous annotations. A list from connections to others weblogs selected or recommended by the authors, denominated blogroll habitually. Inverse connections In some cases the annotations or histories allow that trackback is done to them, an inverse connection (or retroenlace) that allows, mainly, knowledge that somebody has connected our entrance, and to warn another one weblog that we are mentioning one of its entrances or that has published a related article. All trackbacks appears automatically after history, along with the commentaries, but not always it is thus. Photographies and videos It is possible in addition to add photographies and videos to blogs, to which fotoblogs or videoblogs has been called him respectively. Redifusión Another characteristic of weblogs is the multiplicity of formats in which they are published. Aside from HTML, usually they include some average one to redifundir them, that is to say, to be able to read them by means of a program that can include data coming from many different means. Generally, for the redifusión, sources are used Web in format RSS or Atom. Social characteristics Also are different in their economic support: the digital sites of the news or newspapers usually are administered by professionals, whereas weblogs is mainly personal and although in some cases they can be including within a digital newspaper or being blog corporative, usually are certain writings by an author or authors who maintain habitually their own identity. An important aspect of weblogs is its interactivity, specially in page comparison Web tradicionale
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